
There are two kinds of people in this world and being a squash player is better than both of them. Squash is a sport that can be played by both men and women of all age groups and in any weather conditions. Rated first out of 10 sports as the healthiest sport, it is an ideal activity to improve your cardiovascular health and it increases your fitness and strength levels.

Professionally, it is one of the most intense sports in terms of fitness. Annually, during the July recess, the North-West University (NWU) squash teams participate in the USSA squash tournament.

Players also participate in numerous other tournaments throughout the year to improve their squash game. In 2019 both our A and B teams achieved third place at the USSA tournament. We are fortunate to have six squash courts on campus to utilise in order to achieve our full potential. Furthermore, the NWU squash teams are blessed with a talented squash coach who pours his heart and time into the teams. If you can’t beat them – squash them.

Reuel Videler